CPU Statistics
11/Mar 2006
A little script written in perl, which displays the current cpu usage in a bar graph format
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# CPU Status Graph #
# ------------------------------------------------ #
# DESCRIPTION: Shows current cpu loads in percent for user, system, nice, and idle #
# also shows a colored bar graph. See screenshots or try it :) #
# #
IRC::register("CPU Status Plugin", "1.0.0", "", "by: Jaguar");
IRC::add_command_handler("cpustat", "cpu_info");
$cL = "\00300"; # Letter
$cI = "\00307"; # Information
$cS = "\00314"; # Separator
$cT = "\00304"; # Title
$SEP = "|"; # Seperator
$c[0] = "\00300";
$c[1] = "\00301";
$c[2] = "\00302";
$c[3] = "\00303";
$c[4] = "\00304";
$c[5] = "\00305";
$c[6] = "\00306";
$c[7] = "\00307";
$c[8] = "\00308";
$c[9] = "\00309";
$c[10] = "\00310";
$c[11] = "\00311";
$c[12] = "\00312";
$c[13] = "\00313";
$c[14] = "\00314";
$c[15] = "\00315";
sub cpu_info {
# Calculate cpu usage percentage from /proc/stat
open(STAT, "</proc/stat");
my ($junk, $cpu_user1, $cpu_nice1, $cpu_sys1, $cpu_idle1) = split(/\s+/, <STAT>);
my $cpu_total1 = $cpu_user1 + $cpu_nice1 + $cpu_sys1 + $cpu_idle1;
my $cpu_load1 = $cpu_user1 + $cpu_nice1 + $cpu_sys1;
sleep 2;
open(STAT, "</proc/stat");
($junk, $cpu_user2, $cpu_nice2, $cpu_sys2, $cpu_idle2) = split(/\s+/, <STAT>);
my $cpu_total2 = $cpu_user2 + $cpu_nice2 + $cpu_sys2 + $cpu_idle2;
my $cpu_load2 = $cpu_user2 + $cpu_nice2 + $cpu_sys2;
$CPU_USAGE = int((1000 * ($cpu_load2 - $cpu_load1)) / ($cpu_total2 - $cpu_total1))/10;
$CPU_USER = int((1000 * ($cpu_user2 - $cpu_user1)) / ($cpu_total2 - $cpu_total1))/10;
$CPU_NICE = int((1000 * ($cpu_nice2 - $cpu_nice1)) / ($cpu_total2 - $cpu_total1))/10;
$CPU_SYS = int((1000 * ($cpu_sys2 - $cpu_sys1)) / ($cpu_total2 - $cpu_total1))/10;
$CPU_IDLE = int((1000 * ($cpu_idle2 - $cpu_idle1)) / ($cpu_total2 - $cpu_total1))/10;
# Sorted associative array (sorted by value)
@CPU_VALS = sort by_values (keys (%CPU));
# Split array into seperate words
($one, $two, $three, $four) = @CPU_VALS;
($one_txt, $two_txt, $three_txt, $four_txt) = @CPU_VALS;
# Determine value from key eg. USER, SYS, NICE, IDLE
$one = $CPU{$one}; # Smallest value
$two = $CPU{$two};
$three = $CPU{$three};
$four = $CPU{$four}; # Largest value
$SCALE = 30;
$one = ($one/100)*$SCALE;
$two = ($two/100)*$SCALE;
$three = ($three/100)*$SCALE;
$four = ($four/100)*$SCALE;
$one = sprintf("%d", $one);
$two = sprintf("%d", $two);
$three = sprintf("%d", $three);
$four = sprintf("%d", $four);
$CPU_BAR = "$c[14]\[$c[4]";
for ($x = 0; $x < $one; $x++)
$CPU_BAR = $CPU_BAR . cpu_bar_color($one_txt). "\|";
for ($x = 0; $x < $two; $x++)
$CPU_BAR = $CPU_BAR . cpu_bar_color($two_txt). "\|";
for ($x = 0; $x < $three; $x++)
$CPU_BAR = $CPU_BAR . cpu_bar_color($three_txt). "\|";
for ($x = 0; $x < $four; $x++)
$CPU_BAR = $CPU_BAR . cpu_bar_color($four_txt). "\|";
$CPU_BAR = "$CPU_BAR$c[14]\]$c[0]";
IRC::command("$cS\($cT CPU Stats $cS\) $c[15]\[ $c[3]$CPU_USER\% user $c[4] $CPU_SYS\% sys $c[8] $CPU_NICE\% nice $c[0]$CPU_IDLE\% idle $cS$SEP$cL $CPU_BAR $cL\($cI $CPU_PERCENT\% $cL\) $c[15]\]");
return 1;
sub by_values
($CPU{$a} <=> $CPU{$b});
sub cpu_bar_color {
my $line = shift(@_);
if ($line =~ /USER/) {
return "$c[3]";
if ($line =~ /SYS/) {
return "$c[4]";
if ($line =~ /NICE/) {
return "$c[8]";
if ($line =~ /IDLE/) {
return "$c[0]";